Sadly, like many charitable organisations across the country, New Ark Play Association in Peterborough has suffered through Covid 19 with the subsequent restrictions and lockdowns. As expected, this has seen a damaging drop in funds.

Now, the decision by Peterborough City Council to withdraw a significant amount of funding could result in this community service being forced to close. This will create a loss of vital preschool and after school care services, a loss of facilities for children who experience social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties, unemployed staff and multiple animals that will need rehoming.
New Ark Play has provided a vital service for unity over the last forty years. The support service offers provision for up to sixty children in a year who experience social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties from around twenty different schools in the area. By attending New Ark Play, the children are helped to manage their feelings in a positive way, through hands on activities in the Eco Centre, the Adventure Playground, and the City Farm.

Jo Curphey, Chair of the New Ark Committee commented: ‘The inability to fundraise throughout the Covid pandemic, the energy crisis, plus the loss of the councils funding has overwhelmed us. If we are forced to close, the impact on the community, especially on vulnerable children and adults will be incomprehensible. Many will lose out on development opportunities and stimulation that no one else within Cambridgeshire provides. We hope the council reverses its position and the community get behind us to Save New Ark and its 40-year legacy for future generations.’
To ensure that this vital service to the community remains open, your help is needed please.
A fund-raising campaign has been launched. You can use this link to donate
As well as public donations (which will be gratefully received), if you are a local business owner, the managing director of a national company or a retail store manager and would like support New Ark Play in a substantial way, please email
