Have you ever wondered what it was like to live like a Viking?
Do you want to learn more about our Viking Heritage?

If so, come along to Central Park, Peterborough on Sunday 22nd May (2022) where the Viking and Anglo-Saxon Re-enactment group will give you a glimpse into the everyday life's of our Viking ancestors.
The event will take place on the grassed area opposite the Willow Cafe between 10am and 4pm - entry is free!
You will be able to see a Living History display of weapons, healing, weaving, food and cooking etc throughout the day.
There will also be two live combat displays at 12midday and 2pm.
Have a go Archery will also be available to try on the day (at a small charge).

Itinerary for the day...
Event Start 10am
Living History Display 1000 - 1145
Have a go Archery 1015 – 1145
First Combat 12midday
Living History Display 1245 – 1345
Have a go Archery 1245 - 1345
Second Combat 2pm
Living history Display 1445 – 1600
Have a go Archery 1445 - 1600
Show End 4pm
Looks an absolute shambles. So many anachronism on display: vambraces, god statues from Etsy, assorted items mixed indiscriminantly on tables, pinterest art on shields... And that's before you get to the 'Picts', what on earth is going on there.