A few months ago we launched a Central Park Squirrel Photo Competition. We are now pleased to announce we have our winners...
All entries were decided by you the public and two guest judges, Tony Nero and Nicky Starr. The winning entries have been printed and displayed in the Central Park notice board.
Head over to the board, located near The Willow Cafe to have a look for yourself.
We would like to thank everyone who entered and to our finalists: Bob Cyngier, Charlie Killick, Shafiq Jetha, Joy Kamara, Liepa Jakubauskyte, Rob Lee, Richard Mortlock and Mary Kamara.
Thanks to everyone who voted for their favourites and to our brilliant judges Tony Nero and Nicky Starr - we thank you.
Special thanks to Katy Hawkins who engineered the whole project and made it happen.
Here are our winners (in no particular order)...
